06 July 2024

various lighthouses; presentation pack: taiwan, 2010

the lighthouses.
  • Keelung Yu Lighthouse (基隆島燈塔, Chilung Tao, Keelung Island) [top]
  • Wengangduei Lighthouse (塭港堆燈塔, Wenkan Tui Lighthouse, Wengangdui Lighthouse) [middle]
  • Baishajia Lighthouse (白沙岬燈塔, Paisha Chia Lighthouse) [bottom left]
  • Liuchiu Yu Lighthouse (琉球嶼燈塔, White Lighthouse) [bottom right]

what. presentation pack on lighthouses with stamps and maxicards

  • Keelung Yu Lighthouse: Keelung Island, Keelung, Taiwan
  • Wengangduei Lighthouse: Kouhu, Yunlin County, Taiwan
  • Baishajia Lighthouse: Guanyin District, Taoyuan, Taiwan
  • Liuchiu Yu Lighthouse: Liuqiu Township, Pingtung, Taiwan

note. Mandarin Chinese for lighthouse: 灯塔 (simplified script; dēngtǎ), 燈塔 (traditional script; dēngtǎ)

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